Extensive data collection to understand IPM implementation across the EU completed

During the first year of the SUPPORT project, data collection activities were conducted regarding IPM policies and implementation in a selection of Member States. Several consortium partners were involved in these activities, conducting in-depth interviews with policymakers and other relevant actors in nine Member States and with EU policymakers. An interview scheme consisting of 34 interviews was carried out to complement the extensive desk research that was conducted in a previous step.

The main objective of these activities was to gain a comprehensive understanding of how the EU and a selection of Member States regulate, monitor, assess and incentivise IPM practices. The Member States that were in focus for this task included Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Spain.

In a second step, the collected data were analysed and compiled into a review of existing IPM-related strategic and policy frameworks to identify policy gaps and needs at EU level and across countries. Some key conclusions resulting from the data analysis are:

  • IPM adoption faces challenges across the EU, such as weak enforcement and limited applicable alternatives, hindering consistent implementation at the farm level.
  • The Sustainable Use Directive (SUD) has faced criticism for its limited effectiveness in promoting sustainable practices, indicating a need for stronger regulatory measures and incentives.
  • Comprehensive strategies, including enhanced training programs and improved data collection, are necessary to address these challenges and align with broader EU sustainability objectives.
  • Promoting technological innovations like precision farming and biological control agents can offer sustainable alternatives to conventional pesticide use, fostering a more resilient agricultural sector.

This work was accomplished at the end of the project’s first year and provides for an important basis for the work that will be done in the policy related aspects of the project. Based on these findings, policy recommendations and a “policy toolbox” will be created to educate all stakeholders about the current scenery of IPM in the EU, but also educate future policy makers about the needs of each stakeholder and mostly farmers in the agrifood sector.

A report related to the data collection and policy analysis will become available after approval by the European Commission.

For further information about these activities, please contact Agricultural University of Athens: kalliopi.kounani@aua.gr