Kick off meeting – 23 & 24 January 2023

The SUPPORT kick-off meeting was held 23-24 January 2023 at the Wageningen University Campus in the Netherlands. The meeting gathered about 40 participants representing all 20 members of the consortium and was a great opportunity for everyone to meet and get to know each other.

The main objectives of the meeting were to get an overview of the project structure, but also to ensure a common understanding of the project objectives and concept. Furthermore, the consortium partners worked together to elaborate methodological approaches of the WPs and the framework for stakeholder engagement, to define the next steps of the various tasks of the WPs and to agree on certain key issues.

The first day included presentations about main topics of the project, the story behind SUPPORT, as well as presentations of the different work packages and also overarching topics, while the second day consisted in WP meetings, discussions on management and coordination, as well as a presentation of the partner project SPRINT.

Thank you Wageningen for the great organisation and for the hosting of this first SUPPORT meeting!