Kick-off meetings for the National Crop Clusters

The main objective of WP4 is to ensure the development of National Crop Clusters (NCCs) and Community of Practices (CoPs) to elaborate the multi-actor approach for data collection, co-creation and policy recommendations of the SUPPORT project.

Following a mapping and identification of relevant actors, the first NCC kick-off meetings were held in May and June 2023. The aim of these kick-off meetings was to introduce the project to the actors involved, clarify the role of the stakeholders in this context, and to initiate the collaboration among stakeholders interested in contributing to the NCC activities.

Throughout the project, three focus groups will be organised in each NCC as follows:

  • The first focus group contributes to the definition of an inventory of current IPM tools and practices (July-September 2023).
  • The second focus group designs current IPM scenarios for each NCC, relying on the IPM inventory (December 2023-August 2024).
  • The third focus group designs future IPM scenarios (September 2024-June 2025).

Read more about the SUPPORT multi-actor approach here.

For enquiries about the NCCs and related activities, please contact Alberto Sturla (CREA):