SUPPORT presented at the EAAE Congress 2023

SUPPORT partners Robert Finger (ETHZ), Niklas Möhring (WUR/Bonn), Jaap Sok (WUR) and Fatima Lehnhardt (ZALF) participated in the EAAE Congress earlier this month (September 2023) where they discussed the economics and policies of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), building on tasks and activities of the SUPPORT project.

In their session, key challenges related to the current pest management practices in the economic, food security, environmental and human health domain were discussed, and the importance of IPM for a transformation of these practices was highlighted. In this context, an overview of the key role of Agricultural Economics in guiding and assisting such transformation was provided.  

Focus was put on farmer adoption of IPM in European agriculture, providing new evidence in behavioural and methodological insights. The session also discussed Discrete Choice Experiments (DCE) as a way of analysing farmer adoption behaviour and gaining insights into decision-making processes, and as a result of this, better informing IPM policy and practice.

The SUPPORT project aims to develop a monitoring system for a holistic assessment of IPM tools and strategies and to demonstrate how such system can be integrated into the Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN). The addition of such an environmental dimension would allow for a more comprehensive assessment of farms‘ condition, their environmental performances and contribution to the Farm-to-Fork objectives.

The EAAE Congress is a great forum in the field of agricultural economics, bringing together 700-800 academics, scholars, practitioners, stakeholders and policy makers from all over the world. You can read more about the EAAE Congress here.

The SUPPORT consortium was delighted to be present at this important event!