SUPPORT presented at the Romanian Symposium on Agroeconomics and Rural Anthropology

On November 16, 2023, the IVth Edition of the Symposium on Agroeconomics and Rural Anthropology took place, organised by the “Gh Zane” Economic and Social Research Institute, Romanian Academy, Iași Branch. 36 people participated in the symposium, including researchers, teachers, experts, and economists.

The Romanian team of the SUPPORT project, participated with a presentation titled “Integrated Pest Management (IPM) – a solution in the context of supporting agricultural production and food security”, and a detailed written presentation of the project was prepared in Romanian to be published in the volume of the symposium.

The presentation of the SUPPORT project was of high interest and raised discussions that concluded that the identification and development of strategies for the integrated control of harmful organisms must take into account all the techniques and control methods adapted to the local specifics. Furthermore, the promotion and dissemination of IPM strategies could be gathered through the creation of a database accessible to farmers, agronomists and consultancy services at European, national and regional level.

The general objectives of SUPPORT presented at the symposium.

The symposium was organised in partnership with several actors including Rural Development Research Platform Association, “Costin C. Kirițescu” National Institute of Economic Research of the Romanian Academy, Institute of Agrarian Economics (Bucharest), Research Center for Sustainable Rural Development of Romania within the Romanian Academy – Timișoara Branch, Romanian Academy – Cluj-Napoca Branch, “Gheorghe Ionescu-Sișești” Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences Bucharest – Department of Agrarian Economy and Rural Development, RebResNet, The innovative Food for Iași Living Lab hub, and RoRuralia rural development hub.

For further information, please contact Maria Toader (University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest):